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Your Online Language
Exchange Community!
Four million members
from over 178 countries
practicing 169 languages


Use our proven language exchange method. Formulated by a qualified language teacher specializing in language exchange practice, our method:

  • shows you How to do a language exchange,
  • shows you How to evaluate your level to determine the appropriate types of practice (penpals, text chat, voice chat or in-person conversation),
  • Fosters a safe and supportive learning environment and promotes fun and friendship, so you stay motivated.
  • Provides lesson plans you can use during your practice.

We host your online practice with lesson plans, chat rooms and more.

Voice Chat

Talk live or exchange audio and text messages with anyone you find via member's search.

  • Universal! Works on any device running Chrome or Safari! Nothing to download. Practise and review anywhere!
  • Automatic live speech recording. Records only when your partner speaks! With no "Record now" button to worry about, you can talk more naturally.
    You experience a more authentic conversation without ever missing a word!
    Manually annotate or use AI captioning, so you can easily find any phrase later.
    Playback at slower or faster speeds to train your ear.
  • Use AI tools to help you converse in your target language: speech captioning and inline translation in over 100 languages and accents.

For New Users

What is a language exchange?
Why do a language exchange?
How to do a language exchange?

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Our Users Say

format_quote...has been a ton of fun... My Arabic has really improved, and I've made two wonderful friends in the process.format_quote
format_quote...a phenomenal resource for meeting great people who are just as serious about learning as I am!!!format_quote
format_quoteLove the site. It has really opened up a lot of possibilities for me and obviously for many others!format_quote
format_quoteI am in contact with an extraordinary person from Vietnam: serious, spontaneous, available, dynamic, with a very educational method to teach me her native language.format_quote
format_quoteI love your language exchange platform! Linguistic exchanges are motivating and I see that in only 3 months, I have already made a lot of progress in several languages.format_quote
format_quoteComparing the Gold features of your website to the features of other language sites it really makes me see that there is no competition. Looks like the subscription fees are indeed worth it!format_quote
format_quoteIf your service did not exist it would have to be invented. Seems like a lot of people are looking for an opportunity to communicate with the world and improve their language skills and familiarity with the rest of humanity. You are providing a great, much needed service to the world.format_quote
format_quoteHonestly, it has improved my life. I met here incredible people. Sometimes these people have become friends. Last but not least, It helped me to improve my English. Before writing/chatting here, I was a bad at speaking/writing English. Now... It is so so better.format_quote
format_quoteMy spoken Portuguese has improved dramaticallly in a few short months. For me, as a retired person, your site has helped me continue to grow and remain engaged with the world around me. In addition, I have been accepted to study for a semester at a university in Portugal, started publishing short stories in Portuguese, and really feel at home in Portuguese and among the Portuguese.format_quote
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